I've Got Questions

What are your clothing expectations?
We expect you to wear clothing.

Are you snake handlers?
Those coming from Bristol or Shady Valley via US421 must handle The Snake, a road with
489 curves and switchbacks.  Once you arrive at church, there will be no reptiles.

Am I welcome if I have spiked two-level Day-Glo orange hair with purple accents,
nose rings, studs, tattoos and a biker outfit?
Yes, and we won't ask you to change.

Do you preach health and wealth?
Yes.  They are far preferable to sickness and poverty.  Ask anyone who's sick or poor.

Why do you meet at the unusual times of Sundays at 4pm and Thursdays at 7pm?
On Sundays, our people prefer to sleep in and they all preferred the idea of an afternoon
service when we asked.  Thursdays have always been on an "off night" on purpose so that
people from other churches can visit and be blessed without having to be part of
 our church.  Although it wasn't the main reason for the Sunday time, that would be true
 on Sundays as well.

Why are you currently meeting at a different location on Thursdays?
The American Legion has a nice facility, but it gets too cold in there on winter nights; the heater
wasn't keeping up with it the cold weather.

Do you offer children's services or nursery care?
Not at this time.  Our current meeting places do not lend themselves to these.

Will I hear speaking and singing in tongues?
Yes.  We recommend that you do it too.  If you're not yet baptized with the Holy Spirit, you can be.

Do you believe that "gifts of the Spirit" operate today?
Yes, and so will you when you see them in operation!

Do you believe that there are present-day apostles, prophets, evangelists,
pastors and teachers?

Do you believe that women can preach and be in leadership?
Yes.  The Scriptures usually used against these are misapplied.
We'd be happy to explain this to you.

Do you believe that the Lord sometimes makes a sovereign decision to withhold
healing from a particular person?
NO!  Jesus never made such a decision, and He has not changed since Bible days.

Do you do deliverance?
Yes, though we don't believe in weird, drawn-out deliverance sessions.  Jesus cast out
demons with a word, not with 10,000 words.  Demons must leave when they are
commanded to do so in the name of Jesus.  We don't believe that everyone has
a demon or that all sickness is a demon manifestation, though Satan is the
ultimate source of sickness.

Are your church's teachings like that of any well-known preacher?
Our teaching is similar to Andrew Wommack's teaching.  The pastors are partners with his ministry.
We highly recommend his Charis Bible College.

Are you part of a denomination or ministerial association?
We are an independent nondenominational church.  There is an Accountability Board consisting of
people who are not part of EGC who have the authority to oust the pastors if they get into serious
sin.  Pastors Steve and Rosie are part of Andrew Wommack's ministerial association, where they
serve as coordinators for East Tennessee.  This association provides valuable fellowship and counsel,
but it does not exercise governmental authority over its members.

Will you tell me that I will be cursed if I don't give 10% of my income to your church?
No, that is Old Testament.  We believe in tithing the way Abraham and Jacob did as a voluntary
way to honor God.  We can see the blessing it conferred on them.  We are children of Abraham,
not children of Moses.  We do not require members to tithe, though we encourage it.

Will you badger me to give more and more money?
No.  We don't pass the plate during the service; we use a collection box.  You can also
give online at any time 24/7.  There is no weekly money sermonette.  We want you
to give what you can give cheerfully.  Gifts of any denomination are welcome - we are
nondenominational, after all.

Are you recognized as a 501(c)(3) charity by the IRS?
Not yet.  We have an application in the works, though this may take months before
it's official.  In the meantime, we are a registered Tennessee nonprofit corporation.
Donations are already tax-deductible per the U.S. tax code.

Did Pastor Steve Young play for the 49-ers?
We'll tackle this question because many have rushed to snap conclusions based on
incomplete information.  The famous 49-er is not our Steve Young who intentionally grounds
people in the Word.  One is a passer and one is a pastor.  Both have been known to
 labor in the field, go for conversions, make points, kneel down and have a ball doing their jobs,
 but only one of them thinks possession and offense are good things.